Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to keep your teeth white and healthy


Do you want fabulous, healthy and white teeth? Well here at our blog we have the best way, i`ll walk you through it. It has been shown that an unhealthy mouth can lead to an unhealthy body. Follow these steps and the dentist will be blinded when he takes a look at your teeth :)
  1. Brush your teeth with a "soft" toothbrush that prevents cavities especially at night, this will protect your enamel. Brush your teeth 2-3 times a day. Don`t brush more or your enamel wears out.
  2. Flossing is necessary for good gum and teeth health. Floss twice a day after brushing.
  3. You can drink sugary drinks, therefore you must make sure you drink water to wash away all the sugar in your mouth and if you don`t it`s more likely to get cavities. It is recommended to drink your beverages with a straw.
  4. Avoid smoking, drinking to much coffee, tea and wine. They can make your teeth look yellow. Also eat food such as fruits, vegetables and other foods which are rich with vitamin C.
  5. Always use the products that your dentist recommended to you, as they are professionals that can make your teeth look fabulous. 
  6. See a qualified dentist on regular basis in order to keep your teeth and gums healthy.    
Hope my tips help you :)



1 comment:

  1. Olá meninas!!!
    Adorei o blog!! Se precisarem de ajuda é só falar!! Beijinhos Bruna (prima da Letícia Vianna)
    Depois dão uma olhadinha no meu blog: www.glamcapital.com.br
