When Claire Lyons and her family move to Westchester, from Orlando, the young girl cannot imagine the lifestyle she is about to embark on. Due to an old friendship between her father, Jay, and a wealthy old college friend, Mr. Block, the Lyons family moves into the Blocks' guest house until they can afford to buy a property of their own. Upon seeing the luxurious home of the Blocks, complete with servants, a huge pool and personal driver, Claire realizes that she is in a whole new league. When Claire meets Massie Block she is thrilled to make a new friend. After all, she and Massie are the same age and will both be attending the prestigious
Octavian Day School. Unfortunately, Massie makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with Claire and that she has her own elite circle of friends. Massie is all about her girlfriends - Alicia, Kristen and Dylan. Together, the four girls rule Octavian Day School and are considered the most glamorous, popular and envied seventh graders. Decked out in designer clothes, these girls consider shopping an art form and are quick to gossip and place their peers on the out list. Although Claire is desperate to fit in and become a part of Massie's group, she is brutally shunned by the girls. As the ringleader, Massie makes it clear to her clique that Claire is persona non grata. They engage in cruel tactics such as smearing red paint on the butt of Claire's jeans, ignoring her presence and throwing food at her. As Claire struggles to find a place for herself in her elite new surroundings she finds a way to turn the tables on Massie and create some friction in Massie's social whirl.
Next up:
- Sealed with a diss
- Bratfest at Tiffany's
- P.S I loath you
- Boys R us
- These boots are made for stalking
- My little phony
- A tale of two pretties
- The clique summer collection: Massie, Dylan, Alicia, Kristen, Clair
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